Docker Cheat Sheet
A Docker cheat sheet can be a handy reference while learning and working with Docker. Here's a comprehensive Docker cheat sheet covering the basic commands and concepts:
Images and Containers
- docker pull [image_name:tag]: Pull an image from Docker Hub.
- docker build -t [image_name:tag][path_to_Dockerfile]: Build an image from a Dockerfile.
- docker images: List all available images.
- docker rmi [image_id]: Remove an image.
- docker run [options][image_name:tag]: Run a container from an image.
: Run in detached mode (in the background).-p [host_port]:[container_port]
: Map ports between host and container.--name [container_name]
: Specify a name for the container.-e [env_variable=value]
: Set environment variables.-v [host_path]:[container_path]
: Mount volumes between host and container.--rm
: Remove the container when it stops.
- docker ps: List running containers.
: List all containers (including stopped ones).
- docker stop [container_name/ID]: Stop a running container.
- docker start [container_name/ID]: Start a stopped container.
- docker restart [container_name/ID]: Restart a container.
Docker Compose
- docker-compose up: Create and start containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
: Run in detached mode.
- docker-compose down: Stop and remove containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
- docker-compose logs [container_name]: View logs of a specific container.
- docker-compose exec [container_name][command]: Execute a command in a running container.
Docker Volumes
- docker volume create [volume_name]: Create a named volume.
- docker volume ls: List all volumes.
- docker volume inspect [volume_name]: Display detailed information about a volume.
- docker run -v [volume_name]:[container_path]: Mount a volume to a container.
- docker network create [network_name]: Create a custom network.
- docker network ls: List all networks.
- docker network inspect [network_name]: Display detailed information about a network.
- docker run --network [network_name][image_name:tag]: Run a container in a specific network.
Other Commands
- docker ps -aq: List IDs of all containers (running and stopped).
- docker rm [container_name/ID]: Remove a stopped container.
- docker system prune: Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, and dangling images.
As you get more comfortable, you can delve into more advanced topics such as Dockerfile best practices, multi-stage builds, Docker Swarm for orchestration, and Kubernetes for container management.
Multi-Stage Builds
Multi-stage builds are a Docker feature that allows you to create smaller, more efficient Docker images by using multiple build stages within a single Dockerfile. Each build stage can have its own base image and set of instructions, and only the necessary artifacts are carried forward to the next stage.
Smaller Images
: Unnecessary build dependencies and intermediate files are discarded, resulting in smaller final images.Improved Security
: Only the necessary components are included, reducing potential attack vectors.Simpler Build Process
: Developers can bundle various steps (compilation, testing, etc.) into a single Dockerfile.Faster Builds
: The build process can be more efficient due to fewer layers and smaller context.
# Stage 1: Build application
FROM node:14 AS build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
# Stage 2: Production image
FROM nginx:alpine
COPY --from=build /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
In this example, the first stage builds the application using Node.js, while the second stage uses a minimal Nginx image to serve the built files.
The --from=build
instruction copies files from the first stage into the second stage without carrying over unnecessary build artifacts.
Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm is a native orchestration and clustering solution for Docker. It allows you to create and manage a cluster of Docker nodes, turning them into a single virtual Docker engine. Docker Swarm enables you to deploy and manage containers across multiple nodes, providing high availability and scalability.
Key Concepts
: A physical or virtual machine in the Docker Swarm cluster.Service
: A definition of a desired state for a containerized application, specifying which image to use, how many replicas to run, and more.Task
: An instance of a service running on a node.Stack
: A collection of services that make up an application, defined using a Compose file.Manager Node
: Controls the swarm and maintains the desired state.Worker Node
: Executes tasks assigned by the manager nodes.
High Availability
: Services can be replicated across multiple nodes for fault tolerance.Scalability
: Easily scale services up or down to meet demand.Service Discovery
: Built-in DNS for service discovery among containers.Load Balancing
: Traffic to services is automatically load balanced.Rolling Updates
: Services can be updated with minimal downtime.Secrets Management
: Securely manage sensitive data like passwords and tokens.
Getting Started
Initialize a Swarm
: Use the docker swarm init command on a manager node.Deploy Services
: Define and deploy services using the docker service create command.Scaling
: Scale services up or down using the docker service scale command.Load Balancing
: Access services through the swarm's load balancer.
# Initialize Swarm on manager node
docker swarm init
# Deploy a service
docker service create --name web --replicas 3 -p 80:80 nginx:alpine
# Scale the service
docker service scale web=5
In this example, the nginx service is deployed with three replicas. It can be scaled to five replicas for higher availability and load distribution.
Docker Swarm
provides a simpler and more lightweight alternative to more complex orchestration solutions like Kubernetes, making it a great choice for many use cases.
✅ Resources
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