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Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Here's a comprehensive Kubernetes cheat sheet covering essential commands and concepts to help you navigate and manage Kubernetes clusters:

Cluster Management

  • kubectl version: Display client and server versions.
  • kubectl cluster-info: Display cluster information.

Pods and Deployments

  • kubectl get pods: List all pods.
  • kubectl describe pod [pod_name]: Display detailed information about a pod.
  • kubectl create deployment [deployment_name] --image=[image_name:tag]: Create a deployment.
  • kubectl get deployments: List all deployments.
  • kubectl scale deployment [deployment_name] --replicas=[number]: Scale a deployment.
  • kubectl delete deployment [deployment_name]: Delete a deployment.

Services and Networking

  • kubectl expose deployment [deployment_name] --type=LoadBalancer --port=[port]: Expose a deployment as a LoadBalancer service.
  • kubectl get services: List all services.
  • kubectl describe service [service_name]: Display detailed information about a service.


  • kubectl get replicasets: List all ReplicaSets.
  • kubectl describe replicaset [replicaset_name]: Display detailed information about a ReplicaSet.

ConfigMaps and Secrets

  • kubectl create configmap [configmap_name] --from-file=[path/to/config/files]: Create a ConfigMap.
  • kubectl get configmaps: List all ConfigMaps.
  • kubectl create secret generic [secret_name] --from-literal=[key=value]: Create a Secret.
  • kubectl get secrets: List all Secrets.


  • kubectl create namespace [namespace_name]: Create a namespace.
  • kubectl get namespaces: List all namespaces.

Logs and Debugging

  • kubectl logs [pod_name]: View logs from a pod.
  • kubectl exec -it [pod_name] -- [command]: Execute a command in a pod.
  • kubectl describe [resource_type] [resource_name]: Display detailed information about a resource.

Rollouts and Updates

  • kubectl rollout status deployment [deployment_name]: Check the status of a deployment rollout.
  • kubectl rollout pause/resume deployment [deployment_name]: Pause/resume a deployment rollout.
  • kubectl set image deployment [deployment_name] [container_name]=[new_image:tag]: Update a container image.
  • kubectl rollout undo deployment [deployment_name]: Roll back a deployment to the previous version.

Scaling and Autoscaling

  • kubectl autoscale deployment [deployment_name] --min=[min_replicas] --max=[max_replicas] --cpu-percent=[target_cpu_percent]: Configure autoscaling for a deployment.

Deleting Resources

  • kubectl delete pod [pod_name]: Delete a pod.
  • kubectl delete service [service_name]: Delete a service.

Context and Switching

  • kubectl config get-contexts: List available contexts (clusters).
  • kubectl config use-context [context_name]: Switch to a different context.

Get Help

  • kubectl --help: Get help about kubectl commands and options.
  • kubectl [command] --help: Get help about a specific kubectl command.

✅ Resources

  • 👉 Deploy Projects using your preferred provider: AWS, DigitalOcean, Azure, and GCP (soon)
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