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gzip is a command-line utility used to compress and decompress files in Unix-like operating systems. It is named after the "GNU zip" project, which aims to provide a free and efficient replacement for the older compress utility.

Basic Syntax

gzip [options] file

Common Options

  • -c: Write output to standard output, allowing redirection.
  • -d or --decompress: Decompress the compressed file.
  • -v or --verbose: Display more information during compression or decompression.
  • -r or --recursive: Recursively compress or decompress directories.
  • -k or --keep: Keep the original file after compression.
  • -t or --test: Test the integrity of the compressed file.


  1. Compressing a File:

    gzip file.txt

    This compresses file.txt and creates a compressed file named file.txt.gz.

  2. Decompressing a File:

    gzip -d file.txt.gz

    This decompresses the file file.txt.gz and restores the original file.txt.

  3. Compressing Multiple Files:

    gzip file1.txt file2.txt

    This compresses both file1.txt and file2.txt, creating compressed files file1.txt.gz and file2.txt.gz.

  4. Recursively Compressing a Directory:

    gzip -r directory/

    This recursively compresses all files in the directory and its subdirectories.

  5. Decompressing with Output to Standard Output:

    gzip -dc file.txt.gz > output.txt

    This decompresses file.txt.gz and redirects the decompressed content to output.txt.

  6. Testing Compressed Files:

    gzip -t file.txt.gz

    This tests the integrity of file.txt.gz without decompressing it.

Advanced Options

  • --fast: Use faster but less effective compression.
  • --best: Use slower but more effective compression.
  • --rsyncable: Create a compressible file that can be efficiently synced using rsync.


gzip is commonly used to compress individual files and is often used in combination with other tools and utilities. It produces files with the .gz extension, and these compressed files can save disk space and accelerate data transfer when distributing or storing files.

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